Freedom of artistic expression

Owen Maseko

Anyone who cares about the freedom of artistic expression, or about the chances of any healing in Zimbabwe any time soon, must surely condemn in the strongest terms the arrest of Owen Maseko in Bulawayo on Friday last week. Owen is one of Zimbabwe’s most outstanding young artists – his paintings hang on walls all over the world – and he, like all Zimbabweans and all artists everywhere, has a right to explore and express any aspect of his world.

Owen launched a very courageous exhibition of art on Thursday last week on the theme of Gukurahundi, featuring installations, large paintings, and paintings and graffiti done directly on to the walls. Why is it, that 27 years after army troops began their massacres in Matabeleland and the Midlands, this issue is still so sensitive that people affected cannot dare to speak out? To heal, people MUST be allowed to process their pain, so that they can move on. Victims need understanding and space to be heard, not to be locked into jail cells for daring to show the wounds of the nation.

Owen Maseko is now on bail of USD100 and he has to report to the police station every Friday. Click here to view photos of some of Owen’s art in our gallery.

Tue, March 30 2010 » Zimbabwe Update

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2 Responses

  1. Nkosi Mangena June 30 2010 @ 3:07 pm

    I support owen as a fellow brother and art colleague, Evolution is a slow process of change and in this time in Zimbabwe a Revolution must be made. I worry for his safety and hope that this will be a turning point to true Democracy in Zimbabwe.

    Your Paintings are being sen across the world Jah works Must be done!

  2. Alex de Leon January 24 2011 @ 5:23 am

    OM……My work also involves social comment, and here in Texas it put me under the heat of local authorities for many years. However all I ever got was intimidating looks by over sized geeks with bulges in their suits who none my friends or curator’s knew. Owen your work is pure and that is what scares the S**T out of those politicians. You are a brave man to bear the truth, God Bless…..AdeL

One Ping

  1. This is Zimbabwe » Blog Archive » Why Owen and not Yvonne? February 11 2011 @ 3:54 pm

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