The image to the left depicts visitors viewing an art installation at the Refugee Exhibition. Please visit our photo gallery to view more photos from the exhibition. This is an interactive exhibition with recordings from the children themselves. It highlights the plight of the Forgotten Children who fled Zimbabwe’s political turmoil, in search of a […]
Tags: Diaspora, methodist church, refugees
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The Solidarity Peace Trust condemns the brutal assault on opposition forces and the arrests of more than 50 activists that took place on 11 March 2007, in the context of Zimbabwean police preventing a peaceful prayer meeting from being convened. The Trust condemns the killing of activist Gift Tandare by the police on 11 March. […]
Tags: Human rights, political violence, torture
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Two teams of Church observers from South Africa entered Zimbabwe ahead of the Election 2005, to observe the election process and also in order to absorb life of ordinary Zimbabweans. The first, pre-election group consisted of four ordained priests, a church youth worker and a university professor. A seventh priest was denied entry to the […]
Tags: Access to resources, Church commentators, election monitoring, Election violence, Human rights
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The Solidarity Peace Trust has a Board consisting of church leaders of Southern Africa and is dedicated to promoting the rights of victims of human rights abuses in Zimbabwe. The Trust was founded in 2003. The Chairperson is Catholic Archbishop Pius Ncube of Bulawayo, and the Vice Chairperson is Anglican Bishop Rubin Phillip of Kwazulu […]
Tags: Church commentators, civic responses, humanitarian
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