The Elephant in the Room: A Critical Reflection on Race in Zimbabwe’s Protracted Crisis

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By James Muzondidya, Research Manager – Zimbabwe Institute One of the fundamental problems with both domestic and international efforts to resolve Zimbabwe’s protracted political question is their failure to appreciate the significance of race in the whole question. Preoccupied with highlighting the ruling ZANU PF’s governance failures, its authoritarianism, violation of human rights and lack […]

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Wed, October 13 2010 » Zimbabwe Review » 4 Comments

Media reform under the unity government. A critical assessment June 2010

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By Dr Wallace Chuma – Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Film & Media Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa. It’s been nearly 18 months since the formation of the unity government in Zimbabwe, ushering in a layered and complex transition whose prospects for greater democratisation remain a subject of profound debate. One sector […]

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Mon, July 12 2010 » Global Political Agreement, Zimbabwe Review » No Comments

Zimbabwe’s multi-layered crisis – CMI Brief; June 2010 Vol 9 No 3

CMI Brief- June2010

“The Zimbabwean crisis illustrates the complexity of attempting to defeat a party of liberation through elections in a region in which the legacies of anti-colonial struggles still have a great deal of resonance. Within this resonance, the demands for human rights and political democratisation can be constructed as an extension of a Western regime change […]

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Thu, June 17 2010 » Global Political Agreement, Zimbabwe Review » No Comments

The South African led Mediation on Zimbabwe: Can it help break the deadlock?

Signing of the Global Political Agreement

First published on the Nordic Africa Institute website Summary The South African led mediation on Zimbabwe has been received with mixed result both within in the country and internationally. Born out of the violent refusal of a party of the liberation movement to accept its first electoral defeat since independence in 1980, the regional mediation, […]

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Thu, June 17 2010 » Global Political Agreement, Zimbabwe Review » No Comments

Security Sector Reform in Zimbabwe: Prospects and Challenges

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Security Sector Reform (SSR) is a concept that gained currency as a development agenda in the aftermath of the cold war. It refers to a host of reform interventions related to the reform of sections of the public sector engaged in the provision of both internal and external security. These include the defence forces, intelligence […]

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Tue, June 15 2010 » Conflict resolution, Global Political Agreement, Impunity of the State, Zimbabwe Review » 1 Comment