Flyer: The media and labour: What should the constitution say about their rights?

This flyer is available for download in two languages. Please see the end of the post for details.

The Constitution Parliamentary Committee (COPAC) Outreach Teams (ORTs) are coming to your ward to get your views of what the constitution should be. You are completely free to express your views in public. Don’t let anyone intimidate you. If they do report immediately to the police, COPAC, church or a human rights or-ganisation. Not even your party leader should tell you what to say.

COPAC will ask you questions similar to the ones on this flyer. Think about how you feel about these topics, so that you can ex-press you view when the COPAC team comes to your area. Write down your ideas if you think you may not get a chance to speak to the team.

What do you think the rights of journalists and newspapers should be? What rights should all workers have? Should different religions and languages be protected and how? Are war veterans a special group that needs to be recognised?

Should media freedom be guaranteed in the constitution?
What kind of limitations to freedom of the press or media should there be, if any?
Is it necessary to regulate the media?
What should be done to increase the amount of information ordinary people can have access to, and to allow for many points of view to be heard?

Should the constitution recognise the right to strike for all employ-ees, including those in essential services?
Should workers in the public sector (nurses, teachers etc) be gov-erned by different laws than those in the private sector?
What dispute resolution mechanisms should there be to ensure quick and fair rulings?

The media and labour: What should the constitution say about their rights?
20.0 KB

Mon, February 15 2010 » Constitution, Flyers

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