On 19 May 2005, the Government of Zimbabwe began an operation labelled “Operation Murambatsvina” (OM). While Government has translated this to mean “Operation Clean-up”, or “Operation Restore Order”, the more literal translation of “Murambatsvina” is “Drive out the Filth”. This is not the first time this Government has used “cleaning” terminology to describe a process […]
Tags: abuse of the law, Access to resources, demolitions, murambatsvina, overcrowding, urban identity
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Two teams of Church observers from South Africa entered Zimbabwe ahead of the Election 2005, to observe the election process and also in order to absorb life of ordinary Zimbabweans. The first, pre-election group consisted of four ordained priests, a church youth worker and a university professor. A seventh priest was denied entry to the […]
Tags: Access to resources, Church commentators, election monitoring, Election violence, Human rights
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