Flyer: Executive Organs of the State

This flyer is available for download. See end of post for details.

The Constitution Parliamentary Committee (COPAC) Outreach Teams (ORTs) are coming to your ward to get your views of what the constitution should be. You are completely free to express your views in public. Don’t let anyone intimidate you. If they do report immediately to the police, COPAC, church or a human rights organisation. Not even your party leader should tell you what to say.

Think about how you feel about these topics, so that you can express you view when the COPAC team comes to your area. Write down your ideas if you think you may not get a chance to speak to the team.

  • Public service: what is the public service, and what is its role and function?
  • What principles and ethics should guide the Public Service?
  • Should civil servants be allowed to participate in politics?
  • How should members of the Public Service Commission be recruited, appointed?
  • How should they be supervised?
  • What is the role, and function of the PSC?
  • To whom should the PSC be accountable?
  • How should composition and size of the PSC be decided?
  • Should public service commissioners be allowed to take part in politics?

All these same questions also apply to:

the Defence Forces, the Defence Force Commission,
the Police Force, the Police Force Commission,
the Prison Services, the Prison Service Commission

Are there other State Executive functions which require constitutional recognition? What will their functions be. What should the composition of these organs be?

Executive Organs of the State
Executive Organs of the State
13.2 KB

Mon, February 15 2010 » Constitution, Flyers

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