In association with PASSOP This report brings to light the discrepancies between the legal requirements around deportation of migrants and the anomalies in its practical application. It is clear from the findings that South Africa is falling short of its lofty legal standards in the manner that the various government agencies are dealing with this […]
Tags: Diaspora, migrants, refugees, South Africa
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The Solidarity Peace Trust condemns the relentless harassment of Zimbabwean refugees in South Africa at a time when Zanu PF is once again terrorising Zimbabweans in some parts of their country. We draw South Africa’s attention to the fact that Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) members and supporters are once again being abducted or arrested […]
Tags: Diaspora, refugees
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In May 2005, the Zimbabwean government embarked on a massive, highly systematic programme of demolitions of all informal housing in urban and peri-urban areas across Zimbabwe. Combined with a total clampdown on the informal trading sector, including the destruction of official vending areas and confiscation of all wares, Operation Murambatsvina (OM), or “Drive out the […]
Tags: Diaspora, Human rights, murambatsvina, refugees
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The Solidarity Peace Trust condemns escalating threats of violence against foreigners in South Africa as the country’s successful hosting of the FIFA Soccer World Cup draws to a close. The Trust supports a number of initiatives in Johannesburg, KwaZulu-Natal and Cape Town and is concerned that, if South African authorities fail to take the renewed […]
Tags: refugees
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