Over the last few days, I have watched, listened to, and read with growing horror and dismay, about events unfolding in Mount Darwin, Zimbabwe, where human remains are currently being hauled out of mine shafts by completely unqualified individuals. I have examined with great sadness, photographs of dishevelled piles of skulls, long bones and other […]
Tags: exhumations, forensic anthropology
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Security Sector Reform (SSR) is a concept that gained currency as a development agenda in the aftermath of the cold war. It refers to a host of reform interventions related to the reform of sections of the public sector engaged in the provision of both internal and external security. These include the defence forces, intelligence […]
Tags: Conflict resolution, GPA, impunity
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Human rights reporting in Zimbabwe has been extensive in the last few years, and civics have played a monumental role in keeping Zimbabwe in the public eye – but human rights reports have a very specific mandate and a very moral intent. It is their task to keep track of what could be called “forensic […]
Tags: civic responses, Conflict resolution, Matabeleland, political violence, restorative justice, Transitional justice, truth-telling
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Zimbabwe is a nation whose last one hundred years of official history and policy stand as an example of how to ensure that truth and peace do not prevail. During the last three decades in particular, there has never been a period of sustained peace or genuine reconciliation to the past. We are a nation […]
Tags: 1980s, alternative therapy, disappearances, exhumation, Matabeleland, reburials, Transitional justice
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