In its report on the March 29th 2008 Harmonised Election the Solidarity Peace Trust recorded the widespread state-led violence that followed the Zanu PF’s electoral loss in that plebiscite, in the context of the SADC led mediation that failed to break the political deadlock in the country. The lack of an outright winner in the […]
Tags: Access to resources, disappearances, Election violence, healthcare, political violence, SADC mediation, torture
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Zimbabwe is a nation whose last one hundred years of official history and policy stand as an example of how to ensure that truth and peace do not prevail. During the last three decades in particular, there has never been a period of sustained peace or genuine reconciliation to the past. We are a nation […]
Tags: 1980s, alternative therapy, disappearances, exhumation, Matabeleland, reburials, Transitional justice
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