Political Crisis, Mediation and the Prospects for Transitional Justice in Zimbabwe

On the 15th September 2008 Zanu PF and the two MDC formations signed a political agreement brokered by Thabo Mbeki under the mandate of SADC. The agreement was the culmination of a process that had begun in March 2007, which was itself preceded by various other attempts by African leaders, as far back as 2004, […]

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Thu, January 15 2009 » Essays, Global Political Agreement, Transitional justice » No Comments

Transitional Justice Options in Zimbabwe for 2009

The year 2008 began with high hopes for a more free and fair election in Zimbabwe, and with the accompanying possibilities of this opening up sufficient space for the nation to begin to redress its one hundred years of state violence and impunity. However, the year is heading into its final weeks with little to […]

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Thu, January 15 2009 » Essays, Transitional justice » No Comments

“A Tale of Three Dinner Plates” – forensic, narrative and psychological truths and the challenges facing human rights researchers in Zimbabwe

Human rights reporting in Zimbabwe has been extensive in the last few years, and civics have played a monumental role in keeping Zimbabwe in the public eye – but human rights reports have a very specific mandate and a very moral intent. It is their task to keep track of what could be called “forensic […]

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Fri, February 15 2008 » Conflict resolution, Essays, Transitional justice » No Comments

“Healing the dead”: exhumation and reburial as a tool to truth telling and reclaiming the past in rural Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a nation whose last one hundred years of official history and policy stand as an example of how to ensure that truth and peace do not prevail. During the last three decades in particular, there has never been a period of sustained peace or genuine reconciliation to the past. We are a nation […]

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Wed, September 13 2006 » Conflict resolution, Essays, History, Transitional justice » No Comments

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