Flyer: Traditional institutions and customs

This flyer is available for download in two languages. See end of post for details.

The Constitution Parliamentary Committee (COPAC) Outreach Teams (ORTs) are coming to your ward to get your views of what the constitution should be. You are completely free to express your views in public. Don’t let anyone intimidate you. If they do report immediately to the police, COPAC, church or a human rights organisation. Not even your party leader should tell you what to say.


What is the role and relevance of traditional institutions and customs in national development?
What institutional changes can ensure an effective role for traditional institutions and customs?
What ought to be the relationship between elected representatives, such as councillors/MPs, and traditional leaders?
What improvements need to be made on the relationship between traditional structures and formal national structures? eg between the Council of Chiefs and parliament?
Is it desirable that urban areas are served by traditional institutions and structures?


Should the constitution allow some government departments to retain a percentage of their revenue collection?
What should be the right size of government, including the size of the civil service, and how does it impact on the budget?
Should the national budget be gender sensitive in the way it allocates resources?

Should the constitution guarantee the budget consultation process?
How should stakeholders be involved in the budget process?
How should the Auditor-General be appointed and removed, what should be the term, and who should determine the salary and benefits of the Auditor General and the Comptroller?
What should the role of the Central Bank be? Should it be independent?How, and by whom, should the Governor of the Reserve Bank be appointed?
Who should have oversight of the operations of the Central Bank?
Who has powers to borrow and grant government guarantees?
Who should set the limits for government borrowing?

Traditional institutions and customs
Traditional institutions and customs
24.7 KB

Mon, February 15 2010 » Constitution, Flyers

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