What options for Zimbabwe?

Report Cover Photo: Authentic leader - billboard

Report Cover Photo: Authentic leader - billboard

There is a general consensus that the Global Political Agreement (GPA), signed in September 2008 and initiated in February 2009, has not yet lived up to expectations, and has been seriously stalled in the implementation of some of its key components. There are clearly key blockages in the process that are locked into a number of factors, namely Zanu PF’s determination to remain in power at any cost, the MDC’s rightful claim to demand the opening up of democratic spaces promised in the GPA, the limitations of SADC’s capacity to respond to the Zimbabwe crisis, and ambiguities around the Western response of limited economic engagement with the Inclusive Government and continued implementations of targeted sanctions against the Mugabe regime. With fierce positions emerging around this strategic challenge the severe problems facing the GPA place an enormous responsibility on all the key players involved in the Zimbabwe debate, to find a way forward in the current impasse. The central purpose of the Briefing is to consider the options open to the central protagonists in this process, within the context of the balance of power and relations of force within the country and the region, while also contextualising the international dimension.

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What options for Zimbabwe?
What options for Zimbabwe?
273.1 KB

Wed, March 31 2010 » Global Political Agreement, Reports

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