Security Sector Reform in Zimbabwe: Prospects and Challenges

University of Zimbabwe logoSecurity Sector Reform (SSR) is a concept that gained currency as a development agenda in the aftermath of the cold war. It refers to a host of reform interventions related to the reform of sections of the public sector engaged in the provision of both internal and external security. These include the defence forces, intelligence services, police, the judiciary and the prison service. SSR aims at providing effective state and human security through democratic governance, respect for the rule of law and human rights. Zimbabwe has a complex security sector that emerged from a merger of former belligerents in the war of liberation, namely the Rhodesia security forces, Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) and Zimbabwe National Liberation Army (ZANLA). SSR in Zimbabwe is therefore largely influenced not just by the dynamics of the post-Cold War politics but also by the legacy of the armed liberation struggle. [Download full article]

Article by Munyaradzi Nyakudya – History Department, University of Zimbabwe

Security Sector Reform in Zimbabwe: Prospects and Challenges
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Tue, June 15 2010 » Conflict resolution, Global Political Agreement, Impunity of the State, Zimbabwe Review

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One Response

  1. Samuel Sibanda November 11 2010 @ 3:38 pm

    May you allow me access to the article on Security Sector Reform in Zimbabwe

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